INDIBA TreatmentINDIBA インディバケア
A high-frequency warming device for a clearly defined facial symmetry.
Developed as a medical device, Indiba is a high-frequency heat machine from Spain. Aimed at cancer cell therapy, the effect of ‘deep heating’ is to stimulate cell activity and to promote excess water and detox the body by eliminating waste. Warming the muscles, bones, fat and organs from deep within promotes new skin cell turnover, erasing the dullness in your face, giving you the sensation of face tightening and lift-up. It is said that an increase of 1 degree Celsius in the basal temperature increases your basal metabolism by more than 30%. Regular body treatments result in a healthier, beautiful body with improved metabolism increasing the basal metabolic rate, clearly defined body lines, elimination of cellulite, decreased swelling and sensitivity to cold.
- Recommended for
- Reduces wrinkles and expression lines
- Improves the appearance of bags under the eye and dark circles
- Anti-ageing lifting effect
- Firming effect on the skin of the neck
- Moisturises the skin
- increasing elasticity and restoring its overall appearance
- Improve blood circulation
- As Aftercare for cosmetic surgery
- overall skin rejuvenation and tightening
- reduction of the appearance of cellulite and firming of breast / saggy underarms / abdominal and thighs
INDIBA Treatment - INDIBA インディバケア
フェイシャルでは肌のターンオーバーの促進、お顔のくすみ解 消はもちろんのこと、全体を引き締め、小顔効果、リフトアップ効果をすぐに実感していただけます。基礎体温が1℃上がると、基礎代謝は30%以上上がると言われています。お体へのトリートメントでは定期的なトリートメントにより、新陳代謝が改善され基礎代謝量のアップ、ボディラインの改善、セルライトの排出、む くみの改善、冷え性改善など、すべての機能を改善し、健康で美しいBodyへと導きます。
※各種手術後の方は医師に要相談 ※低血圧、貧血になりやすい方も事前にお知らせください。
- INDIBA Facial
- 100 min S$340
- INDIBA Treatment
- 30 min S$160
- INDIBA Detox
- 50 min S$200
- INDIBA Detox
- 90 min S$360
- INDIBA Head & Shoulder
- 60 min S$210